WW2 Pacific campaign like no other, unique counter-landing on top of American landings,
Japanese counter-attack that actually threatens the US landing force,
can Australians take over and finish the campaign once Americans are redeployed

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Try before you buy: there is a free version of most games both as a local APK file for side-loading on your decice and on Amazon (Guide: how to install Amazon App Store) that is turn-limited (usually 20) but otherwise it's the same as the paid version. No ads, no tracking, no rate-me popups, no subscribe to newsletter dialogs, no in-app purchases - your place on the Hall of Fame is based on your wits and not on how much money you burn. Classic turn-based strategy board-gaming without hours of setup. Plus you'll support a solo developer crafting these scenarios. Joni Nuutinen: By a wargamer for the wargamers by Joni Nuutinen
WWII Eastern Front

Full campaigns & Poland

POLAND between Germany & USSR
Play Store : Amazon / free : local apk

Rarely in military history has a country been attacked from all four cardinal directions. In September 1939, the Polish armed forces, still in the middle of the process of mobilizing, faced that grave reality. The official defense scheme, called Plan West, relies on defending all land areas, but it might be smarter to use the defensive fortifications and rivers to your advantage to slow down the German advance enough to mobilize all the regular divisions.

Play Store : Amazon / free : local apk

Lead the Soviet Red Army as they take on the biggest concentration of troops in the military history: The German Operation Barbarossa. Balance between prioritizing troop movement and relocating crucial factories to the safer rear area - while battling the inflexible early Soviet military doctrine which made withdrawing units very difficult.

Play Store : Amazon / free : local apk

Axis Balkan Campaign takes place on in Yugoslavia and Greece in 1941. Germany, preparing for Operation Barbarossa, needs to bail out struggling Italian forces and secure problematic southern sector in the rear area of the Eastern Front so that the Western Allies cannot threaten Romanian oilfields or launch a counterattack from Greece. In the middle of planning for the Greek operation, a coup in Yugoslavia removes them from the Axis Powers, delivering a blow to the prestige of Germany. As a result, Operation 25 (invasion of Yugoslavia) and Operation Marita (invasion of Greece) must be carried out in quadruple hurry.

Play Store : Amazon / free : local apk

One of the most classic strategy game scenarios of all time: German attack on the Soviet Union in 1941. The quick and easy early victories soon turned into endless grinding against the flood of Red Army divisions and the notorious Russian weather.

Play Store : Amazon : no free version, 3X Barbarossa

Operation Barbarossa on a larger scale (bigger map, more units, partisan activity, control over resource production, railway network management, generals with various actions, etc) and with more control over production and railway network building.

Play Store : Amazon / free : local apk

German attack into the Poland in 1939, also known as Fall Weiss (Case White), was the first real test of Blitzkrieg. Thanks to being able to attack Poland from multiple directions German Army was able to overcome heroic Polish defense fairly quickly, but the offensive nonetheless started the Second World War, as France and England declared war on Germany.

Play Store : Amazon / free : local apk

The against-all-odds German plan to invade the United Kingdom in the Fall of 1940. The whole campaign relied on the highly unlikely possibility of being able to ferry supplies across the English Channel long enough to finish the undertaking before, inevitably, RAF and Royal Navy grinded the German supply route into pieces.

Finland vs the USSR

Play Store : Amazon / free : local apk

In this classic Winter War campaign you are leading the Finnish forces which must outmaneuver two waves of Red Army attacks, which are trying to cut Finland in two at its narrowest point. Fortunately the terrain is filled up with lakes and forests, offering plenty of chances for clever maneuvering and encircling.

Play Store : Amazon / free : local apk

Massive Soviet attack on two isthmuses aims to take Finland or at least knock it out of the World War II. Can you survive the initial onslaught, stop the advance of the Red Army, regroup, and launch counterattack to save Finland.

Individual battles

Play Store : Amazon / free : local apk

You are in command of the Wehrmacht forces planning to create the largest encirclement in the military history by using two fast-moving panzer pincers, one from the north and one from the south, to encircle the huge number of Soviet Red Army formations located at and behind the city of Kiev. Do you have the nerves and maneuvering skills to drive two narrow wedges deep in the USSR to pull off the historic encirclement in a timely manner, or do you cave in and choose a wider yet slower attack? Or maybe your panzer pincers themselves will cut off...

Play Store : Amazon / free : local apk

Operation Edelweiss: The audacious attempt by the Axis forces to launch an attack across the vast Kalmyk Steppe and deep into the Caucasus region to seize the critical and massive oil reserves of the faraway Baku. Fuel and ammo logistics, horrible terrain, vast array of different unit types, and Soviet landings on the flank all combine to make this an excruciating operation. On the plus side, rebels hiding in the mountains are ready to start an anti-Soviet insurgency and the captured oil fields will eventually start to produce fuel for your tanks.

Play Store : Amazon / free : local apk

Can you avoid the epic destruction which took place after the suddenly much faster (thanks to US Lend-Lease trucks) Red Army launched Operation Bagration. This Scenario includes two stages of Soviet offensive, Warsaw Uprising, Partizan activity.

Play Store : Amazon / free : local apk

It's 1945 and you are in control of the divisions tasked with securing the last Axis oilfields located in Hungary and Austria by both re-taking the city of Budapest and clearing the western side of the river Danube of the Soviet divisions which have formed a large beach-head reaching all the way to the Lake Balaton. Should you fail to secure these crucial last oilfields Germany would lose 80 percent of the remaining oil output dooming the defense of Berlin, and with the fall of Vienna the last remaining Axis partners would surely drop their weapons.

Play Store : Amazon / free : local apk

Plans for Operation Barbarossa ignored Crimean Peninsula but after the Soviet Air Force from Sevastopol attacked oil fields in Romania, the Axis Powers had to seize Crimea. The first attempt to break through the Perekop Isthmus to Crimea was interrupted by the Soviet Counterattack breaking through a Romanian sector of the main front line. This distraction allowed Soviet Navy to evacuate Coastal Army from Odessa to Sevastopol, ending Axis dreams of a quick campaign. After seizing most of the Peninsula the Axis attacks on Sevastopol were interrupted by the Soviet landings around the Peninsula.

Play Store : Amazon / free : local apk

In spring 1942 Wehrmacht was preparing to launch Case Blue, the strategic summer offensive on the Eastern Front. The plan outlined advance to Stalingrad and then the main force would turn south and drive to Caucasus to seize the oil fields of Maykop, Gorzny, and Baku.

Play Store : Amazon / free : local apk

Modelling the northern third of Operation Barbarossa with logistics of fuel supply. You are in command of the Army Group North, tasked with striking through the Baltic states all the way to Leningrad, the cradle of Bolshevism. It is essential for Panzer Corps to seize Leningrad quickly, before the offensive is inevitably slowed down by the steady flow of Red Army reinforcements, worsening weather, challenges of fuel delivery on ever expanding area, and terrain filled with forests and swamps.

Play Store : Amazon / free : local apk

After destroying the German 6th Army in Stalingrad, the Soviet high command hoped to end the WWII with one strike through the Axis lines towards Dnetropetvosk via Kharkov to cut off 1 million Germans. Panicking German Generals tried to find something to throw in front of the offensive. However, in a masterclass of strategy known as Backhand Blow, Erich von Manstein removed all Panzer units from the battle and wished the T34s 'bon voyage'. While Stalin kept calling the Soviet commanders inquiring about the looming success, Manstein was gathering Panzer groups on both flanks of the Soviet push.

Play Store : Amazon / free : local apk

Can you stabilize the crumbling front line after Soviet attack encircles the 6th Army, and hold on long enough to eventually launch a counterattack to free the out of supply units and turn the dangerous situation around.

Play Store : Amazon / free : local apk

A group of German units is encircled behind the Soviet front line in Demyansk early in 1942. Since this sector is located in the wilderness between Moscow and Leningrad, you'll only have a ragtag collection of units, from Stug-3 to auxilliary units, at your disposal. Yet you are supposed to open up and keep open a corridor to the encircled troops while holding the city of Demyansk, which intermittently provides supply to the cut-off units.

Amazon / free : local apk

In 1943 Germans grouped most of their best divisions into two spearheads to capture the Kursk salient in a plan called Operation Citadel. However, thanks Allied code breaking efforts the Red Army immediately knew German plans in detail and prepared multiple defensive lines in addition of gathering massive reserves for counterstrikes. During the operation the battle around Prokhorovka evolved into one of the largest armored clashes in military history.

Play Store : Amazon / free : local APK

Live through the German push to seize the Capital of the Soviet Union, an extremely critical railway junction, before the winter closes in. Horrible weather, countless rivers, multiple defense lines, and the stubborn resistance by the Red Army, which received reinforcements of both quality (Siberians and T-34 tanks) and quantity (numerous local defense divisions), eventually ate up the German ability to advance any further.

Play Store : Amazon / free : local apk

Hold the central Berlin as long as possible against the overwhelmingly massive concentration of Soviet divisions which want to be the first Allied troops in the capital of the Third Reich. Meanwhile, as the end nears the available infrastructure is slowly crumbling down, making effective defense harder and harder.

Play Store : Amazon : no free version

Tackle increasingly difficult tasks somewhere on the WWII Russian Front. Small map size keeps the missions at nicely short, while having to manually delivery fuel from Depots to Panzer units and ammo from Depots to artillery requires ability to think ahead to avoid being out of fuel just before reaching the Objectives of the mission.

WWII Western Front

Play Store : Amazon / free : local apk

The harrowing Canadian-British commando raid to hold the German-held port town of Dieppe for a while to 'practice' for the D-Day landings. Many costly lessons were learned, especially not trying to seize fortified port towns, but instead bringing artificial harbors with the landing force. Exceptionally, the goal is not to conquer the entire map, but to hold as much area as long as you can while losing as few units as possible. Your final score will be cumulative Victory Points multiplied by the number of combat units successfully evacuated.

Play Store : Amazon / free : local apk

The western part of the 1944 D-Day landings: Utah & Omaha beaches and Airborne landings of the 101st and 82nd paratrooper divisions. The scenario starts with the 101st dropping in the first wave and 82nd on the second wave west of Utah beach to speed up the drive to Cherbourg to secure a major port. On the morning of June 6th, American troops start landing on the two beaches while US Army Rangers targets Grandcamp via Pointe du Hoc. After seizing the fortified port city of Cherbourg the US plan is to break out from the Normandy and break free via Coutanges-Avranches and free France.

Play Store : Amazon / free : local apk

The scenario starts with the battalions of the British 6th Airborne Division making a nighttime drop to secure the key bridges. In the second phase British & Canadian troops with Commando units land on Juno and Sword beaches and secure the area. The third phase is expanding the bridgeheads and linking up with the paratroopers holding the bridges. The fourth stage is seizing Caen, that German armed forces defend with a handful of elite Panzer Divisions.

Play Store : Amazon / free : local apk

Do you have the skills and nerves to push exhausted Wehrmacht divisions to Avranches through the fierce Allied resistance and numbing bombardment while your flanks are crumbling? Situation on 7th of August 1944: British and Canadian troops had tied down elite German units near Caen while the US Third Army had broken through from Normandy to Brittany via Avranches. OKW saw that by advancing just 30 km (20 miles) from Mortain to Avranches they could cut off the First and Third US Army, but if the Allies hold off this German attempt they could encircle Germans in the Falaise area. The only sure thing: At the end of this maneuvering either several German or American armies would be cut off.

Play Store : Amazon / free : local apk

Situation on 7th of August 1944: British and Canadian troops had tied down elite German formations near Caen while the entire US Third Army had broken through from Normandy to Brittany via Avranches. German HQ saw that by advancing just 30 km (20 miles) from Mortain to Avranches they could cut off the First and Third US Army. The Allies in turn realized that if they could contain this German attempt to take the initiative in Normandy and swing around the American divisions, they might be able to encircle the 7th German Army and the Fifth Panzer Army in the Falaise area, or be themselves cut off.

WWII in North Africa

AXIS ENDGAME IN TUNISIA (Kasserine Pass 1943)
Play Store : Amazon / free at Amazon / local turn-limited APK

The Allies are regrouping after the failed run to Tunis, the British 8th Army is still far away, and the Allied stranglehold on the Axis supply routes from Europe to Tunisia is not yet fully working. This is the chance for the Rommel-led Axis units to try to flank the most advanced Allied divisions by attacking via the Kasserine Pass, seizing the Allied fuel depots, and using that extra fuel to drive Panzers all the way to Bone (Allied supply source in the NW corner). If successful, this maneuver can turn the tide of WWII in North Africa, and prevent the collapse of the Axis armed forces in Tunisia.

Play Store : Amazon / free : local apk

British Offensive to push through the Axis defenses to achieve a breakthrough along the coastal road and crush the Axis forces in North Africa to secure the Mediterranean for the Allies.

Play Store : Amazon / free : local apk

In the summer of 1942 Axis divisions in North Africa ran out of steam in front of El Alamein. Lacking fuel due to overstretched supply lines and Allied control of Mediterranean sea, the Germans and Italians could only brace themselves for the British offensive. Commander of the British 8th Army, Montgomery, resisted calls from Churchill to attack, and kept on stockpiling resources for a huge attack. Rommel knew that he could not do any grand maneuvering: his one defensive counter-strike with armored divisions had to be decisive to stop the Allied attack and prevent the collapse of Axis position.

Play Store : Amazon / free : local apk

Can you make do with the meager Axis fuel resources, long supply lines, and unreliable Italian partners and successfully push the British forces away from North Africa.

Play Store : Amazon / free : local apk

Germans make handful of landings in Norway (Operation Weserubung) to quickly seize the country before the Allied landings take place. The northernmost landing in Narvik almost turned out to be a bridge too far for Germans who had to throw in all their skills just to survive until reinforcements arrived. Can you handle the mammoth undertaking of dealing with five different landing zones while Royal Navy strikes your convoys, threatening to collapse the whole invasion.

Play Store : Amazon / free : local apk

In this fine model of a Blitzkrieg attack (in which Panzer Divisions focused on narrow sector), Wehrmacht pushed a wedge through Allied front line and captured the coastal cities, splitting the Allies in two and forcing France out of the war.

Both side of Allied D-Day landings

D-DAY 1944
Play Store : Amazon / free : local apk

The classic campaign about the slower than anticipated Allied breakout from D-Day landing beaches to the wider Normandy area in 1944. While German struggled to approach the actual beach area because of overwhelming Allied firepower both from air and sea, and the huge number of Allied units on the beaches, Germans managed to essentially contain the Allied advance for months. Do you have what it takes to actually push the Allies back into the sea and take back the control of those landing beaches?

Play Store : Amazon : no free version, reverse D-Day 1944 game

German side of the D-Day and Normandy operations: Can you push the well-equipped Allied armies, which are constantly getting reinforcements and supported by air superiority, back to the sea to turn the tide of the Second World War in Western Europe. Quality of Axis units at your disposal varies greatly: From the easily scattered Ost-battalions to some of the most battle hardened German divisions which have been in combat half a decade since 1939.

Both side of Battle of the Bulge

Play Store : Amazon / free : local apk

Commanding American forces you must survive the massive initial German onslaught to launch a successful counterattack from the flanks with reinforcements to cut off and destroy the last big German offensive in the Second World War.

Play Store : Amazon / free : local apk

The Allies, feeling that the war is won already, are taking it easy: Eisenhower and Bradley are at a party, Montgomery is golfing. Meanwhile, Wehrmacht unleashes a huge surprise attack against a quiet American front hoping to drive towards Antwerp and to split the Allies in two.

Airborne & Paratroopers

Play Store : Amazon / free : local apk

The risky Allied attempt to use several separate drops of airborne troops to suddenly create a 100-km corridor, including handful of bridges, across German held territory to open up a route to the German industrial heartland.

Play Store : Amazon / free : local apk

German attack on Crete was the first mainly airborne invasion in the military history: German paratroopers jumped into chaos of several landing zones, only to discover much stronger than expected Allied forces squeezing them from all the directions. To have any chance of success Germans needed to seize the key airfields during the first few days to fly in replacements and resources.

Italian trilogy

Play Store : Amazon / free : local apk

The first step of knocking Italy out of the Axis powers was the Allied invasion of Sicily in 1943. The campaign soon infamously developed into competition between the US and the UK commanders, allowing bulk of the German forces to evacuate via Messina to the Italian mainland.

Play Store : Amazon / free : local apk

The Allied venture which was thought to be easy as Italy wanted out of the war, turned out to be years-long bloody grinding in the difficult Italian terrain filled with multiple defensive fortification lines and mountains which heavily favored the determined defender.

Play Store : Amazon / free : local apk

To quickly captured Rome, all the Allies needed to do was to push through the Gustav Line and link up with the Allied forces landed in the Anzio beachhead behind the German lines. Will you play it safe in the Anzio beachhead and wait for the main force, or try to expand so much that the main German might be cut off?

US, Pacific, WW1, Korean War

History of United States

UNION (American Civil War)(RECENT)
Play Store : Amazon / free : local apk

You are the commander of the Union armies during the most pivotal moment in American history. As you survey the vast front line stretching from the eastern coastline to the wild west, you are faced with crucial decisions at every turn. Do you prioritize raising new infantry corps to bolster your forces? Do you rely more heavily on the power of gunboats and artillery to strike fear into the hearts of your enemies? Or do you take a more strategic approach, constructing a comprehensive transportation network with railways, locomotives, and riverboats to optimize the logistics of your military machine?

CONFEDERATES (American Civil War)
Play Store : Amazon / free : local apk

Can Confederacy survive the war years of 1861-1865, or even win, in spite of the superior industry and manpower of the Union? In a SUPPLY mode units can only attack when they have ammo depots nearby, forcing players to think ahead before launching major offensives.

Play Store : Amazon / free : local apk

Crush the British, Royalists, and Indian raiders to win the independence for the United States. Will you win by focusing on building a huge army or evacuation key resources to safety and building proper infrastructure like roads to win with a smaller force.

Spanish Civil War 1936

Play Store : Amazon / free : local apk

The still loyal elements of the Spanish Republic find themselves in control of various disjointed areas after a semi-failed coup by Nationalists. After the initial militia struggles settle down, you gain full control of the Republican armed forces. You receive help in the form of International Brigades, along with tanks and planes from the USSR. Meanwhile, Germany, Italy, and Portugal support the rebels, who are also boosted by the battle-hardened Army of Africa. Can you outmaneuver General Franco to bring order to the messy situation and secure the Iberian Peninsula, ensuring the continuation of the Second Spanish Republic?

Play Store : Amazon / free : local apk

The armed forces of the Nationalistic Faction, after its semi-failed coup, is in control of two separate areas inside Spain, while the most soldiers and the biggest cities of Madrid and Barcelona stay loyal to the left-leaning Republican side. Can you navigate the chaotic setup of your forces (from weak Militia to battle-hardened Army of Africa) to consolidate enough area under your control to entice more support from abroad to continue the struggle for the full control of Spain?

Korean War 1950-1953

KOREAN WAR 1950-1953
Amazon / free : local apk

It is a rollercoaster of a campaign as at first North Korean troops seize almost the entire Korean Peninsula, before the US-lad UN forces arrive at the last moment to reverse the fortunes - only to face a massive Chinese counterattack just before the Peninsula is secured. Can you withstand the back and forth hammer blows to eventually crush the Communist forces to unify Korea as one.

Pacific campaign

Play Store : Amazon / free : local apk

You are in command of Allied forces tasked with carrying out an amphibious assault on Bougainville. Your first objective is to secure the three airfields, using American troops. These airfields are critical to gain air strike capabilities. Once secured, Australian troops will relieve the US forces and finish seizing the rest of the island. Beware: a huge Japanese naval base nearby may launch a counter-landing, and you will be facing a fierce counter-attack by the battle-hardened Japanese 6th Division, which has seen combat since 1937.

Play Store : Amazon / free : local apk

WWII Marine force is tasked with carrying out an amphibious assault on the island of Tinian in order to turn it into one of the biggest airbases in the world. To surprise the Japanese defenders, the American commanders decided, after some loud arguments, to roll the dice and land on the ridiculously narrow northern beach. It's width was only a fraction of what WWII-era amphibious military doctrine considered wise. And while this surprise move guaranteed an easier first day, the narrow beach also limited the speed of the reinforcements and made the logistics vulnerable.

Play Store : Amazon / free : local APK

Tarawa gave the US Marine Corps a chance to put to the test its doctrine on how to do an amphibious assault on a fortified atoll. Several challenges emerged: The smoke from naval bombardment killed visibility, and the coral reefs shredded the boats (resulting founding of the US Navy Underwater Demolition Teams AKA US Navy SEALS). In spite of the nightmare start the Marines waded on the beaches in several locations, only to end up in the middle of positions which had survived the week of aerial attacks. Japanese commander Shibazaki: 'It would take one million men 100 years to conquer Tarawa'.

Play Store : Amazon / free : local APK

Operation Stalemate II called for the capture of the island of Peleliu to secure MacArthur?s right flank during the US advance towards Japanese Home Islands. Commander of the 1st Marine Division predicted the island would be secured within four days: The resulting two-month battle was so fierce that the 1st Marine Division remained out of action until the invasion of Okinawa. The National Museum of the Marine Corps called the Battle of Peleliu the bitterest battle of the Second World War for the Marines.

GUAM 1944
Play Store : Amazon / free : local APK

July 1944: You are in command of the American III Amphibious Corps, tasked with taking back the control of Guam from the Imperial Japanese Army. In spite of the facts that reefs around Guam limited the landing site options and defenders were well aware of the incoming attack, the U.S. forces boldly landed on two separate beaches. Guam being mere 32 miles in size meant that Japanese Army quickly mobilized their forces for counter attacks to push the U.S. Marines back to the ocean.

LUZON 1945
Play Store : Amazon / free : local APK

American forces are tasked with taking back the control of Luzon, the largest island in the Philippines, which fell to Japanese forces in 1942. Unlike the previous US attacks in the Pacific, which only required handful of units, the invasion of Luzon threw 10 US divisions plus guerrilla forces into the largest campaign of the Pacific war. MacArthur surprised the Japanese defenders, who expected attack in the Southern Luzon, by landing troops in the western Luzon (Lingayen Gulf) and immediately advancing south to seize the key airfields and liberate Manila city - the Pearl of the Orient.

Play Store : Amazon / free : local apk

This scenario covers Operation Olympic (landing on Kyushu), which was the first part of Operation Downfall (Invasion of Japan). The geography of Japan has forced the Allies to choose a predictable strategy, and the Japanese have set up their fanatical forces very well to take on the American onslaught. To defend Kyushu Japan is planning to throw in most of their troops, as well as what's left of their naval might. The fact that Japan is starting to run low on supplies is counterbalanced by the extreme supply distances Allies has to deal with, not forgetting kamikaze planes and midget submarines.

Play Store : Amazon / free : local apk

American troops continue their Pacific island hopping campaign with Operation Forager - Capture of Saipan. You are in command of the American Army and Marine forces, tasked with seizing the control of the island from which Japanese home island would be within the range of the new Boeing B-29 Superfortress long-range bomber. League of Nations gave Japan a mandate to rule Saipan after the First World War, and the huge Japanese population meant the island was considered to be part of Japan proper. The ensuing battle saw both the largest Japanese tank battle and the biggest banzai attack of the Pacific war.

Play Store : Amazon / free : local apk

When withdrawing from Philippines in 1942 General Douglas MacArthur made a promise: The US would be back! In October 1944 American forces made a bold amphibious landing on the island of Leyte, surprising the Japanese defenders who were expecting a landing on one of the southernmost islands. The surprising timing and location guaranteed US forces easy first weeks. However, Japanese HQ decided to settle the fate of Philippines on the Leyte and transported reinforcements from the nearby islands to Leyte. The combat on Leyte escalated into massive battle requiring US to commit all their reserves.

Play Store : Amazon / free : local APK

Guadalcanal, an inhospitable island located in the Solomon Islands in the Pacific, had never interested anybody... Until in 1942 Japanese built an airfield for their push towards Australia. This forced the US to send in the Marines and destroyers to seize the airfield - to which Japan reacted by sending troops and more naval power - to which Americans reacted by sending more reinforcements and warships - to which Japanese reacted by sending more warships and troop transports... Soon the two empires were engaged in a cut-throat battle both on land and on water for the control of this godforsaken island.

Play Store : Amaon : free : local apk

In February 1945, the American Marine force planned to seize the small volcano island of Iwo Jima from the Imperial Japanese Army, hoping the operation would last only couple of days, but the ensuing 5-week battle saw some of the fiercest fighting of the Pacific War. The island became globally famous when AP photographer Joe Rosenthal published his photograph Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima, taken on Mount Suribachi.

Play Store : Amazon / free : local apk

The American attack on Okinawa was the largest amphibious assault in the Pacific War during World War II. After a long campaign of island hopping, the U.S. was planning to use Okinawa as a base for air operations for the planned invasion of the Japanese home islands. The battle is infamous for the ferocity of the fighting and the intensity of Japanese kamikaze attacks.

First World War

Amazon / free : local apk

Lead German forces into quick victory in 1914 - or failing that get stuck in the muddy battlefields, trenches, and Allied fortification lines for years, eventually witnessing the first appearance of tanks and arrival of American troops. Control the production and build railway networks to suite your particular strategy and tactics.

A highly rated strategy games for Android : FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions : Privacy Policy : history quotes : War Diary (dev log)

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